Yes, there used to be a fantastic display of fire falls in the evenings at Yosemite Park. I got to see the fire falls once – when I was in the Boy Scouts. It was probably in the early or mid 1950's. Our scout troop (#44 in Castro Valley) had gone to camp at Diamond-O, a Boy Scout camp near Hetch-Hetchy reservoir – not too far from the north entrance to Yosemite.
Our Scout Master had seen the fire falls before, and decided that we should all drive over so that we would have the opportunity to see them. We just barely had time to make the mountainous trip ("We have a whole hour before the falls start, and it should only take an hour to get there!") - Our Scout Master had been an ambulance driver!? So off we went.
By the time we arrived, several of us, including yours truly, were quite carsick. But we made it to the parking lot in the valley – and out of the cars – just in time to see the big fire at the top of the cliff pushed off and tumble down. It was quite a spectacular show. Unfortunately, they stopped this breath-taking show quite a long time ago.
Needless to say - I've never forgotten that unique trip.
Dad, I just sat down to read some of your posts (regretfully for the first time). I love reading about your experiences. Thank you for sharing! I love you and miss you. Elizabeth