Saturday, October 8, 2011

Theory of Relativity

The theory of relativity explains the two most important issues in the history of the world:  First - The theory of relativity explains every problem facing mankind, individually and corporately, throughout history, and across the face of the planet.  Finally - The theory of relativity explains the solution to those problems,

It works like this:

First - The theory of relativity and the problem:

(1)  Sin came into the world through Adam and Eve because of their rebellion against the Creator of heaven and earth.

(2)  If anyone traces their family tree back far enough, they will discover, without exception, that we all come from Adam and Eve.  Adam and Eve are our common parents - We are all relatives of Adam and Eve.  We have all inherited their sin nature.

(3)  This is part of the theory of relativity explains the problem.

Second - The theory of relativity and the solution:

(1)  Faith in the atoning, saving work of God through His Son, Jesus, makes each one a relative of Jesus,  Each relative of Jesus is a new person; our heart of stone is changed to a heart of flesh; God puts His set of standards within each of His children; we are washed clean; and the person of the Holy Spirit lives in us.

(2)  Being His relative, we have the full assurance of forgiveness of all sin, an eternal and wonderful inheritance that involves and includes security from the wrath to come and eternal life with Him in a home especially prepared for us in heaven.

(3)  This part of the theory of relativity explains the solution.

Come to think of it, this is not the theory of relativity at all.  It is the fact of relativity.

God bless - - -

JAD October 2011

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