It seems that this elderly gentleman was pulling into a crowded and busy parking lot in his big old Cadillac. There were not many parking spaces, but he had spotted one, and was slowly making his way toward it - carefully lining up and planning a careful entrance into that narrow space.
Behind him was a very impatient young fellow driving a brand new fancy-dan, and very expensive car - A BMW I believe.
So this young guy finally just can't stand the slow pace of this old fellow. He hits his gas peddle, zooms around the Caddy, and steals the old man's parking place.
The young kid jumps out of his highly polished car, wipes a bit of dust off of the door, and shouts triumphantly back at the old man, "See, old man, that's what you can do when your young and fast!"
The old man simply backs up a few feet, puts his car in gear, pops the clutch and floorboards the gas peddle. The caddy hits the back of the fancy, spotless BMW, screeches clear up on top of it and comes to rest. The young kid just stands there with his mouth hanging open like a broken gate on rusty hinges and with eyes as big as manhole covers.
The old man opens his car door and climbs down from the top of the mess. As he casually walks away toward the store, he looks back over his shoulder and calmly says to the shocked kid, "And that's what you can do when your old and rich."